
Tuesday 26 July 2016


In the weekends I went pokemon hunting and I got heaps of them and I am level 22 and then the next day I went to go see my passed away aunty and that was sad because I nan was there with a photo of here and that made me cry.


  1. Hi Darius,
    I am so sorry for you loss I hope you feel well, Anyways Great work on this piece of writing you did very well. WOW I have never been pokemon hunting before Where did you go to hunt for them?

    Great work once again keep it up!!
    From Avara

    1. you should go Pokemon hunting its fun for a little while then it starts to get boring and hard. When you don't catch anything.

  2. Greetings Darius,
    I have had one of my Granddads die, and he was the one in Taiwan.
    The time he died was exactly on his birhtday. So I went there , and then went to his funeral, and it was very different from one in NZ. You had to do a lot of carrying his soul around in a soul box. At Taiwan there were, and still are, many people playing Pokemon Go. I really sorry for your loss, and this was a nice blog post to tell your friends what you have been up to. Keep up the good work.
